Be Decisive or Unemployed

Matthew 25:14-29 “’Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them … he gave five bags of gold … two bags … one bag, each according to his ability. After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them … five bags of gold … gained five more … “well done” … two bags of gold … gained two more … “well done” … 1 bag of gold … hid your gold … “wicked, lazy servant!”’”

One can assume each of these three employees had the same knowledge of the boss and the goals of the business. One decided to risk much, one decided to risk little, and one decided to risk nothing, failing to execute out of fear and indecisiveness.

Principle: One cause of underperformance is inability to take decisive action.

The employer Jesus is talking about here has been doing the right things. The story details are missing but the circumstances justify the termination. In corporate America the problem of leadership failing to take decisive action centers around three issues:

1. Honest interaction is needed between bosses and employees. The three men in this illustration had similar positions and plenty of time to think about it. They obviously knew the employer and his desires.

2. Meetings, dialog and reviews with the boss are based on clarity. In this case, the issue was clear. These were company funds and investment growth was the goal.

3. The boss must provide feedback and follow-through. He must reward high achievers, coach those who are struggling and fire those who are blocking progress. This was done.

This story was an illustration of what we should be doing until the return of Christ. Start with treasure, time and talent. We all have different amounts. It all belongs to Him. Give it away. Do it wisely. Be bold. The bolder the better. Know the heart and mind of the master. He has it in writing. He wants an intimate connection with us. Spend time. Surrender. Expect to be rewarded. That is not a bad motivation. Be honest about that.

If you are an underperformer with no fruitfulness or productivity in your work, decide to start over. You still have treasure, time and talent. It is not over until the Lord returns or takes you home.

It is wicked to hide His light under a blanket. Do not deny Him. Even small, safe steps like putting money in a savings account are better than burying it in a hole in the ground.


1. Employers, what challenge are you facing today that needs your decisive leadership?

2. Employees, where are you failing to follow through with the tasks you’ve been given?

3. Christians, what treasure, time or talent will you begin to invest for the kingdom today?

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