Business by the Book

Exodus 40:16 “Moses did everything just as the LORD commanded him.”

Godly leadership does exactly as God directs. Moses could not have led 2,000,000+ people through the wilderness on his own. Nobody but God could provide food, water, campground, and organization for that project.

Principle: Follow the instruction book – there is no better option.

How good of God to provide a workbook filled with principles for the workplace including all the financial information.

Larry Burkett was a businessman who saw this clearly. He dedicated his life to teaching biblical financial principles. He wrote over 70 books with sales in excess of 11 million. He was the host of radio programs airing on Christian stations nationwide.

Burkett was one of eight children and grew up poor. He worked hard as an electrician during the 60’s while taking a full load of night classes in marketing and finance.

After coming to Christ, he plunged into a study of what the Bible said about finances. He discovered that there were over 700 verses about money in the Bible. Eventually he founded Christian Financial Concepts and ran it for years out of the basement of his home in Atlanta.

One of the central ideas that Larry taught is that we do not own things, but we are stewards and managers of what God has trusted to us. To him it was simple. Like Moses, just follow God’s instructions.


1. What is a significant sermon you’ve heard about work and how did it apply to your business?

2. Why is God interested in workplace issues?

3. If the Bible deals with financial, H.R., marketing and administrative issues, how do you locate passages on these subjects?

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