Business Life is a Challenge

Isaiah 41:10 “’So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’”

Israel was up against a formidable enemy threatening to destroy them. Humanly speaking they had every reason to fear, so this was a word of great comfort for them.

Principle: Fear is a paralyzing emotion when faith in God is absent.

A motivational group put up a “challenge course” across the street from my office building and a group of young people formed teams to take the challenge. The telephone poles were 40 feet high and the test was to climb them, stand on top of the pole and leap six feet to grab a trapeze bar. The climbers had harnesses that were manned by an experienced person with a tested rope to prevent them from falling. It was scary. I could tell by the looks on the participants’ faces. I learned some business lessons watching it all.

Few participants could hang on to the bar but nobody was hurt because the harness and rope were in good hands. We are in good hands and failure is a good teacher.

We go through fearful moments in life. If God has called us to do something, we can have faith, get up there and leap!

Learn by failure. Trust in God. He is able and success is sweet.

Sometimes success does not come unless you keep on trying. Never give up.

Perseverance improves character regardless the outcome.


1. When have you decided by fear instead of by faith? What blessing did you miss out on?

2. What decision is before you today? Choose faith.

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