
Matthew 19:13-14 “Then people brought the little children to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ When He had placed His hands on them, he went on from there.”

Jesus was concluding His ministry in a flurry of activity when this took place in Judea. He taught on the subject of divorce. Maybe when the people brought their children to Jesus, it reminded Him that children are victims of divorce, abandonment and indifference.

Principle: Spend time with children because they need attention, prayer, and communication with loving grown-ups. To do so matches the heart of Jesus.

Talk to children with full attention. Personally greet them as with adults. Bend down to their eye level.  Make contact. Touch them. Celebrate their successes. Take them to places and events they enjoy. Get them to church and other Christian activities.

Wayne and Diane Tesch of Costa Mesa, California made it possible for thousands of abused children living in foster homes to attend summer camp. They created Royal Kids Camp and for 25+ years have provided a chance for kids to be carefree and happy at a week-long summer camp.

Late in life, they gave up a successful church career to devote themselves to a new career helping children. Now there are programs in dozens of churches in 30+ states. These children, many of whom who have experienced unspeakable pain, can attend summer camp and spend one fun-filled week playing games with newfound friends and sitting around a campfire on a cool summer night. The Tesches have brought children into a place to receive Jesus’ touch and have made a difference. What a legacy!

A businessman friend of mine helped with the children and then took it to the next step. Fred and Vicki Barnes got involved in Royal Kids Camp as directors, then as coaches, then as mentors and friends. They are very busy people but agree that the time investment has the highest return possible – a young lady who experienced a 180 degree turn in her life has become a friend for life – like a daughter.

Anybody can do it. All ages qualify. Tell them about Jesus.


1. Why do you suppose the disciples resisted the idea of bringing children to Jesus?

2. Re-read the passage and rate the importance of bring children to Jesus on a 1 – 10 scale.

3. What are the hindrances to bringing children to Jesus?

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