Corrupt Business Practices and Exploitation

Job 24:2-4, 23-24 “’There are those who move boundary stones; they pasture flocks they have stolen. They drive away the orphan’s donkey and take the widow’s ox in pledge. They thrust the needy from the path and force all the poor of the land into hiding … He may let them rest in a feeling of security, but His eyes are on their ways … they are cut off like heads of grain.’”

What an amazing cast of bad characters and bad behavior. The book of Job is probably the most ancient of all the Bible books dating back to pre-flood times. It did not take long to people to come forward with some rotten behavior.

Principle: It is disturbing to see business people employ corrupt business practices and exploit the poor and helpless, but God is keeping track of it all and will punish wicked practices on His timetable.

I read an article which listed current business practices that the readers considered exploitive. They included false and misleading product claims, promotion of cigarette smoking to youth markets, legalized gambling aimed primarily at poorer classes, exorbitant interest rates and hidden charges in loan transactions, ruthlessness in collection practices, rock-bottom entry-level wages, and unfair working conditions.

It is disturbing to see disrespectable businessmen defrauding the poor and helpless. Loan sharks and others who are cruel and relentless to the disadvantaged are disgusting. For a period, they may be successful but it is fair to assume that inside they are miserable human beings without conscience.

Is there a hint of practice listed in that article that is in your business practice? You must be competitive to survive, and some businesses are tougher than others, but guard your reputation with God. It is no small matter to be on God’s list of those who are least respected in society.


1. What company or industry comes to mind that seems exploitive to you?

2. What steps can Christians and the church take to combat injustice and exploitation of the poor?

3. The word “exploitation” means taking unfair advantage of somebody. How have you been taken advantage of and what was your response?

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