
Psalm 90:10-12 “Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away … Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Even in David’s time, life was not a piece of cake. Life expectancy was about the same then as it is now, worldwide. Time flies and so will we.

Principle: Get to know God and apply His truth to life because life is both brief and sorry.

My definition of wisdom is: the application of bible doctrine to life.

For years I did a countdown and put the number of days remaining to seventy years (the expected Biblical lifespan ) in my Day-Timer. When I hit seventy, I started counting the days to eighty. As of today on my Outlook, there are 603 expected days to go and 3047 bonus days over age 70 (05/22/09). It gives me a sense of gratefulness, purpose, and urgency.

Realistically we might wind down the work effort by age seventy and make succession plans for the business. In attitude, recall the good things God taught you and share them with others. Keep on obeying God and have a good day.  No need to slow down the ministry part of your work life. Live in such a way that you are prepared to witness, pray, or die at a moment notice with no regrets.

Here are some life expectancy statistics to consider:

1. Death rate is 100%

2. Life expectancy in the U.S. is 77.7 years

3. Google “life expectancy” and go to “Life Expectancy Calculator” Dial in several factors. You can arrive at a personal estimate. The variables include family history, blood pressure, smoking, exercise and more.

4. Perspective adjustment for Christians: 80 years divided by infinity = 00.00


1. “Time flies by.” What does this saying mean to you?

2. How comfortable are you considering a future “death date”? Why?

3. What would you do if you had 5 days to live – 500 – 5,000?

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