
Numbers 11:10-11, 16-17 “Moses heard the people of every family wailing … ‘Why have you brought this trouble on your servant’? …The LORD said to Moses: ‘Bring me seventy of Israel’s elders who are known to you as leaders and officials among the people … They will share the burden of the people with you so that you will not have to carry it alone.’”

Moses brought his perplexing problem to God and God brought the solution to Moses.

Principle: Delegating to competent people cures anxiety and depression.

Don’t carry the leadership load alone. Turn the work over after you have talked to God about it. Make your choice known so that everyone knows who has authority.

Some employees resist taking on more responsibility because of fear of failure. If it is outside the normal range of their responsibility, he or she may worry about the consequences. Let them know that you are not expecting perfection.

Some employees are overwhelmed by their job and are reluctant to sign up for more work. Tell them this is a test run or a one-time-only project. Give them permission to set aside less important tasks.

Some employees may have suffered mistakes or tried something beyond their ability. Find out their reservations and take the fear out of it.

God has a remedy for stressed overworked employers and delegation may be the answer.


1. What hinders you from turning over responsibilities to others?

2. How much time per day would be the ideal for you to enjoy your work more?

3. What problems have you experienced in delegating?

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