Dogs and Hogs

2 Peter 2:17-22 “… Of them the proverbs are true: ‘A dog returns to its vomit,’ and ’A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.’”

This passage is about people who use religion as a means of enriching themselves. They look and sound good, but they will do anything to defraud and gain power over people for their own benefit.

Principle: Look past appearance or personality by examining actions and character to find the reality of a leader.

The Bible never uses dogs or hogs to point out something worthwhile. Both fall into the Jewish category of unclean animals.

Both animals make good pets. Sows are intelligent. Dogs are friendly, fun to watch and nice to have around. I have enjoyed my pets and was very sad when my last dog died. But make no mistake about it – they are carnivores and left to their own dog nature will do things that their owners would never do.

Some pet lovers nowadays are extreme. I noticed that a pet hotel in my area offers luxury suites for dogs which make the owner “guilt free” when leaving them for a few days. Each dog suite is individually decorated with raised beds, special lighting, and artwork. The suites have television featuring Animal Planet for the dogs “listening and viewing pleasure.” They receive one-on-one attention from attendants who truly love dogs. The rates were not mentioned in the brochure.

Prominent, strong people get treated this way by the public. It seems okay to us that nice, religious-sounding leaders enjoy luxurious lifestyles regardless of contradictory actions. Their walk does not match their talk, but it doesn’t seem to matter.

Fortunately, in this television, Internet, Google, YouTube, talk show information age we have access to the reality of people’s private lives and their characters.

Unfortunately, most of us are too busy to investigate even when character discrepancies are apparent. We need to have spiritual discernment so that we don’t follow the leader – the wrong leader. In due time their true motivation will appear.


1. When have you been disappointed by a fallen leader that you supported?

2. What were the circumstances that revealed his true character?

3. After confession, repentance and restoration are you willing to forgive him? Pray for him?

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