Luke 6:37-38 “’Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven, Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.’”

These verses are from Sermon on the Mount. The apostles were chosen and commissioned. They were launching new careers. Jesus taught them a major life principle about actions and reactions.

Principle:Your generosity level determines your return. That’s a promise.

I worked for a company that created a lapel button with the initials WGACA to express a company value – What Goes Around Comes Around.

Jesus took the opportunity to illustrate two negative actions, judgment and condemnation, and two positive actions, forgiving and giving. He lightly touches the first three and expands on the giving idea.

I bought a sump pump the other day and the sales guy wanted to know two things before recommending a replacement. How high does the water have to be lifted and what size is the drainpipe? The lift was two feet and the drainpipe was 3” in diameter. The pump he selected had a 2” diameter outlet. That works fine but not the other way around. Ever try to stuff a fat pillow into a too small pillowcase?

Jesus was making the point that those who give more get more. The abundance may come from Him directly or from others. It is fair to say that this was not a description of some sort of heavenly matching grant program. Dollars-out certainly includes spiritual riches-in. But dare we take Jesus literally?

My father was a generous person, but he was a skeptic when it came to this verse. There was a radio preacher who ruined it for him. He quoted this Old Testament principle every day when he was asking listeners to “send in their tithes and offerings.” It irked my dad because it seemed manipulative. The assumption that God would pour out riches to those who gave generously to this ministry irritated him. Yet, he was a generous giver and, in his lifetime, he got a lot.

I want to be careful not to contradict Jesus. That’s dangerous. This passage made me stop, think and wonder … What would happen if I improved my giving?


1. What could happen if you improved your giving?

2. What could happen if your business gave more to your community?

3. Have you ever tried to outgive God? How did that go?

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