Winner’s Circle

2 Timothy 4:7-8 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”

The winners of the four Grecian games that Paul refers to here received a palm branch, some article of value, an olive branch wreath and honor from the spectators. When they got home, they received the real prizes including a “tickertape” parade, a statue or naming of city gate, VIP seating at future games, free meals for a lifetime, exemption from taxes and a lump sum of drachma equivalent to $50,000.

Principle: Run the best race you can, enjoy God’s outcome, and look forward to the awards banquet.

An interview with Ryan Hall, U.S. Olympic marathon contender, prior to the 2008 Olympics in China reflected the apostle Paul’s words.

Ryan said, “I was holding on too tight to my Olympic desire to get a medal. But God worked in my life in such a way that I have been able to surrender the race back over to Him and His will. My prayer going in the Olympics is the same as Christ’s before He went to Calvary, ‘not my will but your will be done.’ I find when I started thinking too much about medals and records it was important for me to get back to the basics. My sole focus is to follow hard after Christ during the race. I hope to pour myself out for Him in the same way He poured Himself out for me. If I run with this attitude then I will be happy with whatever result may come.”

As it turned out, Ryan was not a medalist in the Olympics. As he described it, he did not run his “A” game and as an athlete and competitor he was disappointed at first. In his blog after the race, he glorified God. What followed his blog were twenty pages of comments from people who were inspired by Ryan’s faith, generous spirit and contentment. Here is a great competitor willing to accept defeat or victory with grace.

Ryan’s “eternal medals” are yet to be awarded.


1. What is satisfying or dissatisfying about delayed recognition?

2. Think of a time when somebody mentioned something significant you contributed to them that you forgot or did not notice at the time.

3. Literally what qualifies a person for the Crown of Righteousness?

4. What do you have to do to qualify for that crown?

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