
Acts 20:33-35 “I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Paul made his income as a tentmaker and not only his own living, but enough to carry the needs of his companions. This was both an accommodation to a new church and an example of how to steward one’s wealth.

Principle: Work hard, share your wealth with the weak and needy, and enjoy the spirit of giving.

R.G. LeTourneau is a legend in the business world for his generosity to Christian causes and his inventions in the earth-moving equipment business. He made a large contribution in the United States’ victory in World War II through his innovative, integrity-driven company and equipment that helped to level the earth in difficult places.

In the process of building a billion-dollar company, LeTourneau was a solid, consistent witness for Christ. He ran a Kingdom-concept company that ministered to employees, suppliers and customers.

LeTourneau was a giver. At the end of his career, when he was earning a fortune, he went from tithing 10% to giving God 90% of his income and living on the remaining 10%. The evidence is that the poor and needy in the U.S. and around the world benefited from LeTourneau’s generosity.

There are some great side benefits when you are fulfilling God’s purpose in business. It is satisfying to earn a living and create a living for others.

Working hard and creatively are benefits in themselves. Generosity is an added benefit because it is better to give than to receive.


1. What kind of excesses can riches lead to?

2. What are some things that hamper generosity in people?

3. In addition to financial generosity, what are some other ways to express a generous attitude?

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