God Takes and Gives What He Owns

Job 42:10-16 “After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before … the LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life … (those) who had known him before came and ate with him … comforted and consoled him … gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring … (Job) had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. And he also had seven sons and three daughters … lived a hundred and forty years … died, an old man and full of years.”

Principle: Business failure and success are in God’s hands.

God allowed Satan to take away Job’s business and other things. He knew it would benefit Job In the end. Job experienced greater faith and spiritual maturity. He had a better understanding of God and a closer walk with Him. He appreciated good health and possessions. He gave forgiveness and accepted consolation from those that had deserted him in the tough times.

I know a Godly man who is going through a Job-like experience – loss of business, health, stamina, home, financial reserves, job title, good credit ratings, confidence from family, friends and self-confidence. I asked him how he was doing in all of this. He said that at first, he was angry, fearful and that his prayer life centered on begging God to rescue him. A year and a half into it he said, “l now know that God owned everything that I had. For all those years, I thought they were mine. I released it all to God and I am sticking close to Him. My worship experience is better, and I am praying more and with greater trust in Him than ever before.”

For those of you who are experiencing business loss, remember that God gave success in the first place, and He may give it back to you – and He may not. One thing is for sure, He has your best interests in mind. Through the difficult times, hold tight to Him. Do not give up hope. What He takes He may give back – even greater. He owns it all. Blessed be His Name!


1. Think about personal losses in the past of anything significant. How was your relationship to God through the experience?

2. When you got through it, what was a benefit?

3. Overall, what did you learn about God?

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