I Owe, I Owe and Off to Work I Go

Exodus 2:23-25 “… The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. God heard their groaning and He remembered his covenant with Abraham… God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them.”

Work had started out being pleasant for Israel but had turned into drudgery. God saw. God heard. God knew. God kept His promises. God cared. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Principle: God will deliver you from the misery of work.

Doing drudgery work can lead to an encounter with God. It can prepare you for downstream circumstances, which will be valuable.

Miserable work drives people to God, as does empty success. Many mid-life professionals feel emptiness in life even being with a top firm, owning a fancy home, driving a luxury automobile and traveling the world.

Businessmen are often reluctant to recognize spiritual bankruptcy.  Many professionals have friends who only talk about business, politics, or sports. They resist admitting things are not going well for them. This is one reason I find a Christian forum group such an important part of my business life. Not only are these group an unofficial board of godly directors, but they provide freedom to talk about what is not going well in my life. If work has become drudgery for you – or successful and unsatisfying – go to God first and then join a group that honestly talks about the journey.

God uses miserable work to draw us to Himself. Making a living is not necessarily making a life.


1. Has your work become drudgery?

2. What steps can you take to help you shift your perspective?

3. Find a Christian forum group in your community, or start one. Encouragement will come.

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