Knowledge Will Increase

Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”

In these closing words of the prophecy to Daniel, God gives insight about conditions in the end time – the Great Tribulation period. Daniel was a very knowledgeable man living in Babylon, ruled by highly developed kingdoms. Daniel was of noble descent and had risen to high position in his lifetime. More than that, He had special insight and wisdom from God. Yet he lived in a community who knew little about the true and living God.

Principle:One sign of the end-times is the frantic pursuit and the speed of knowledge through technology.

Ninety percent of all scientists who ever lived are alive now. As many scientific papers have been published since 1950 than were ever published in all the centuries before 1950.

Another gee whiz – based on the rate at which knowledge is growing, by the time today’s child reaches 50 years of age, 97% of everything known in the world at that time will have been learned since his birth.

The most dominant language in the world today is not English or Chinese, but binary – computer language. Computers and machines have more conversations every day than all of mankind going back to the time of Adam and Eve.

This message came to your through computer technology. My Bible in two versions is on my iPad and is available to me with room to spare along with 200 CDs of music. Bible teachers send their Gospel messages around the world on satellites broadcasting every minute of the day. There are hundreds of Bible versions with new editions published every year. Consider the number of books about God and the religious newsletters and magazines. It is mind-boggling how much information about God there is out there.

Technology made it possible. Communication methods are available to all, and the Christian world is using the methods to get out the Good News of God. But who is listening?


1. How are you using today’s technology to spread the gospel? If you aren’t, how could you get started?

2. What are the limits of technology where the gospel is concerned? Is the human touch still needed?

3. How can technology and human touch be used together for maximum spread of the gospel?

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