Ordinary Qualifies

Exodus 3:1-2a “Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush.”

Moses had the best education in the world, was raised in extreme luxury and was prepared in every way for national leadership. Shepherding was the lowest form of labor according to Moses’ background training and he had been performing this boring labor for forty years.

God showed up in Moses’ workplace, the ordinary hill country of the Sinai Peninsula. Nobody can name the exact spot today because all the mountains in that section look about the same.

The vegetation is sparse, and the area is hot. It is an ordinary work area. Shepherding is hard, boring work because sheep are helpless and dumb. They tend to get into trouble. They are targets of many predators. God was calling a man who was humble, patient, and willing to obey God explicitly, while also being resourceful and able to exercise significant leadership and practical skills.

Principle: Ordinary, routine work is great preparation for extraordinary service.

God is in the marketplace wherever you go. He has work to do and is willing to do on-the-job-training. The qualifications He requires are surrender and teachability. These character traits are more to be desired than having a great record of achievement or current high position.


1. Describe an under-appreciated, under-paid job you had.

2. Are you currently work unto God without complaining or looking back on the good-old-days?

3. Has God showed up in your work area calling you to do something for Him?

4. If the answer is “yes” you are you prepared to go all out?

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