The Pit and the Pendulum

Genesis 39:2-5 “The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered … When his master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar … entrusted to his care everything he owned … the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph.”

God is the grantor of success and prosperity. He was with Joseph in the pit where his brothers threw him, and he helped Joseph find favor with the Egyptian. Slavery was bad but it was temporary, and God had a turn-around and a long-range plan for Joseph.

Principle: The road to success, favor, and blessing may not look as you planned. Be patient … this could be God’s way.

God favors diligence with success even in a bad environment. Employers relax, organizations are well-served, and God’s obedient servantenjoys promotion and accomplishment.

Michael Powell had an automobile accident which broke his spine and shattered his pelvis. He was 24 years old and was on the road to a promising military career. His dad, General Colin Powell, was his role model, but the accident ended Michael’s military career.

Instead of a pity party, Michael went on to law school and was appointed to the Federal Communication Commission. He became a man with a bright future instead of one wallowing in self-pity.  At the FCC, Powell developed a plan to unleash wireless technology. He did good things as head of the agency, especially for all of us who use cell phones. He initiated the do-not-call registry and wireless local number portability. In a free, competitive marketplace the rates for mobile wireless and international calls dropped dramatically.

Looking back on the accident and career change, Michael said, “Opportunity knocks for everybody, but everybody doesn’t have their bags packed.”  

Joseph had his spiritual bags packed when his brothers tossed him in the pit and later sold him into slavery. God did some great things with Joseph’s diligent spirit and willingness to excel. The pendulum swung the other way.

If you or your business has had a “pit” experience/season, pursue opportunities with Joseph-like excellence. God will honor your efforts for His sake. He said so in Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”


1. Review a “pit” experience. Who was to blame?

2. Did you ask God why He let you go down that path?

3. Have you discovered the good that came out of it?

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