Staying – Plusses and Minuses

John 6:66- 68 “From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. ‘You do not want to leave too, do you?’ Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.’”

Desertion by those who were hanging around for what they could get from Jesus came after some hard teaching from Him. In essence, He spelled out the commitment costs for staying. The “twelve” and others understood what it would cost and decided to stay.

Principle:The motivation to stay – to not move on – is a decision based on important realities.

In a business survey of 15,000 people, they were asked why they stayed with their organizations. The top five “stay” factors in all industries were:

            1. exciting, challenging work

            2. a chance to learn and grow

            3. great people to work with

            4. fair pay

            5. a great boss

These survey answers are all about work conditions, which you can make happen in your business. Depending on the industry, some are more do-able than others. In your company, some are already in place, some require minor, radical, or far-future change, but all are possible. Change is difficult.

The decision to change is what this Bible study is all about. Putting in place any of the hundreds of examples and directives to run your company will create a satisfying, enjoyable place to work.

Employees can also bring about change. A change of attitude is one way to delay or change an “I’m out of here” decision. There are many ways to cause change – to effect change – in the workplace. The changed life of a Christian employee who reads the Bible and is filled with the Holy Spirit knows how to bring positive change to his work environment.

In a life-style application, the five responses above match the benefits of being a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus communicated the costs of following Him, and that thinned the crowds. The costs are the same as they were in that day. The requirement that includes surrender to God in obedience may cost the following: an easy life, following the crowd, putting your selfish priorities first, your very life.

The “twelve” and millions who followed since then have discovered that staying is worth it.


1. Under what conditions do you find yourself tempted to “leave” a challenging job?

2. Have you ever “stuck it out” and seen how the Lord was glorified?

3. What positive change is God asking you to bring to your place of business?

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