
John 15:5-6 “’I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned’.”

Fruit bearing is the subject matter here, not salvation. To keep a vine healthy and productive, the fruitless branches must be trimmed off.

Principle:Watch your business operations like a grape farmer and adjust quickly.

In operations, cut back, trim fat, and being lean and mean fit the parable of the vine. Good timing and urgency are important. Wasteful, inefficient operations drag a company down in a hurry. In the information age businesses need to respond faster.

A large restaurant chain I worked with tracked the sales of every location and spotted the menu items that should be changed or cut. Their computer program showed how each person performed and quickly indicated the need for staff change. Computer capacity makes short and long-term decisions easier.

Most small businesses have that same ability through years of data but do not interpret the data or act on it…

Pray. Ask your accountant or business friends how to best do this. Do not be caught off-guard by fruitless branches that are sucking the life out of your business.


1. What is the profitability trend in your business in the past 3 months?

2. What is the sales trend in your business in the past 3 months?

3. If you cannot pinpoint a reason for any declines ask God, talk to a friendly competitor or consultant.  

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