Bad News

Number 14:11 “The LORD said to Moses, ‘How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?”

God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt through miracles. God protected them against the pursuing army and miraculously provided food and water every day. He guided them with a visible flame and cloud. The land they were headed for was abundant. The bad news was that the giants living there would oppose their take-over. This caused fear expressed in weeping, complaining and a rebellion towards God and their appointed leaders.

Principle: God’s continuous care should create long-term faith and action.

It is dishonoring to doubt. How we respond to bad news is a test of faith. When the market falls or we get a bad lab report from our doctor it tends to immobilize us. In panic we look to blame somebody, or we engage in a frantic pursuit of solutions – our own solutions. The news that should drive us to our knees in prayer and praise drives us to retreat. It should drive us to believing that God is God.

God is not intimidated by financial collapse or the complexity of any problem facing us. Why should we be fearful? In the Israelites’ case, their fear and failure to trust God caused them to not enter the promised land. If you do not respond in faith, you might die without joy. A believer? Yes.  A satisfied believer? No.

God expects obedience. Fear, anxiety or cowardice insults Him. Who cares about a gloomy economy or a negative test report? God does not.


1. When you last received bad news what was your first response?

2. What was your ultimate response?

3. What brought about the difference between the first response and the ultimate response?

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