Beyond Basic Training

Psalm 144:1-4 “Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me. Lord, what are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of them? They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.”

David was a skillful warrior. He was trained by God for battle as a shepherd protecting the sheep against predators, against Goliath, as a military leader under Saul and then in his own command. He was called by God and prepared by God to lead Israel’s army.

Principle: God prepares leaders for their calling by sharpening their skills through business experience.

A businessman’s work is a calling for a Christian. God prepares him. It is an important ministry and there is a need to get on with it before the person is completely ready. Work experience is God’s way of preparation.

My grandson Peter enlisted in the army. He received basic training, field training and simulated training which prepared him for duty. But his most intense learning took place in Qandahar, Afghanistan where real mortar fire and enemy attacks took place.

The preparation for marketplace ministries is not only reading your Bible, reading books on Christian business or attending seminars. The best preparation is in the trenches. Going through real life situations teaches you how to survive the struggles of life. The high points of training are when your efforts can do nothing to change your circumstances and you are totally dependent on God.

Do not shrink back from the battle God may be leading you in today. It is all part of your preparation. If you have been studying God’s Word you are prepared. If you have survived the battle, remember that God was faithful and give Him thanks.


1. Describe your preparation for your business career.

2. What did you learn from difficulties – from combat experiences?

3. How could you have been better prepared?

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