Career Change

Mark 1:16-18 “As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. ‘Come follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ At once they left their nets and followed him.”

Simon and Andrew were both fishermen by trade, but Jesus had new jobs for them. All that was required was venturesome faith, preparation and commitment to Jesus.

Principle: A change of direction with Jesus’ call equals fulfillment and satisfaction.

There are hundreds of people who decided to do something new at the end of their career. Often this was something they always hoped to do and when they did it they loved the change.

Halftime by Bob Buford has impacted the Christian community with the idea of moving from success to significance in mid-life to launch into “full-time” ministry.

Volunteering. With all the hunger, education, medical care, technology needs there are endless opportunities to volunteer.

Retirement. We were created to work – to use our God-given abilities to invent, develop and to serve others. If you retire, look around for something else good to do. If you own your company, sharpen your ministry focus as you wind down.

Leisure. Many Americans think about a life of leisure that includes golf, tennis, fishing, travel and so forth. However, the idea of a healthy person simply living life of leisure is not a biblical concept. God has plans to continue to use you for His kingdom!


1. What are your plans for the second half of life?

2. How much money would guarantee you a lifetime of financial freedom?

3. What are some of your skills that might be used in significant ministry?

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