Clear the Air

Numbers 5:5-7 “The LORD said to Moses, ‘Say to the Israelites: “Any man or woman who wrongs another in any way and so is unfaithful to the LORD is guilty and must confess the sin they have committed. They must make full restitution for the wrong they have done, add a fifth of the value to it and give it all to the person they have wronged.”’”

For the Israelites this system of restitution was clear, fair, and understandable. A 20% fine covered the use/value of the property and the grievance of wrong behavior.

Principle: Restitution for property crimes, along with confession by the guilty person, clear the air and satisfy the one who has been violated.

A missionary organization I know about had a bookkeeper who used mission funds for personal purchases. After he quit, an audit showed the theft. To complicate matters, the bookkeeper was a relative of the director of the mission. When confronted, he admitted his theft and confessed guilt — with remorse. The mission brought the matter before the police and then reviewed the matter before the Board of Directors. The former bookkeeper committed to repay the amount stolen over an extended period. He confessed the matter before the church that was connected to the mission organization. He physically moved in with the director and his family to economize and maximize the amount of re-payment.

The mission board, the church and the directors moved with great grace and forgiveness. There was full disclosure. No criminal charges were filed and the amount was eventually paid in full.

All parties in the issue handled things correctly. The amount was restored. Lessons were learned. Corrective measures were taken in the organization. God was honored by the method. The spiritual life of the thief was restored.


1. Have you had to deal with theft in your business? How did it work out?

2. Is it possible to handle a situation like this properly without the involvement of enforcement agencies or the legal system?

3. What would be the net effect on society if this were the norm?

4. Can you forgive people who have stolen from you?

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