Cursing is Serious

Exodus 20:7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name.”

The names of the Lord are very important to Him. Ask any rabbi. As the Scripture was written the primary name of God (He who is) was recorded as an unpronounceable name, YHWH, so that on one could even speak it. The substitute word is ‘Yahweh.’

Principle: It is offensive to hear God’s name used as a curse and such should be confronted.

It is part of street language to misuse God’s name in normal conversation, which is an offense to children of God. I hear Christian friends say, “Oh, God” in a careless way and the world does not hesitate to “God damn” something or exclaim “Jesus Christ” in a disgusting way. I read about a Christian businessman who was listening to a personal presentation from a salesman who used “Jesus Christ” as swear words. He responded, “Oh! You’re talking about my friend.” Immediately the salesman apologized. Later, over lunch, the businessman was able to share what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus. The salesman told him it was the first time in his sixty-plus years anyone had ever talked to him about trusting Christ, and he thanked him.

We would all do well to think about an appropriate approach when God’s name is abused in our presence. You do not have to come across as holier-than-thou person. Let the person know that you honor God and that Jesus Christ is a close friend of yours. Many people curse without realizing what they are saying. Your remark may open an opportunity to talk about your relationship with Christ.


1. How often do hear the tag “Oh God!” attached to some comment?

2. Does it bother you?

3. Create a phrase which would be comfortable to use when it happens in your presence.

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