Dromedary Drama

Matthew 19:23-24 “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.’”

There was an “eye-of-the-needle gate” in Jerusalem that was open after sunset. When a traveler went through it with their camel they would unload the camel baggage, get the camel to its knees and squeeze through the opening in a crawl. This supports the idea of hard for a rich man rather than impossible.

Principle: Wealth can hinder a person from coming to Christ.

In Jesus day the camel was the largest animal in the land. It was the animal most connected with transport, trade and wealth. Camels are not kosher; though they chew their cud, they do not possess cloven hooves.

Eating camel meat is forbidden in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Camels can be seen on the loose in Israel today but do not expect to find a camel burger anywhere.

The vivid imagery of Jesus’ story is a reminder of two truths. 1. No one can buy their way into heaven no matter how rich they are. 2. Riches are definitely a hindrance to receiving Christ as Savior because “rich “ easily becomes its own god.

 If God makes you rich you are rich indeed – enjoy it and be a good steward of what belongs to Him. If being “rich” is your god, get rid of it. Give it to Him.


1. How rich do you have to be to have riches be your god?

2. Tell about a rich person you know about who loves definitely loves riches but does not love God.

3. What is the danger you have experienced with comparative riches?

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