
Exodus 35:35 “He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers – all of them skilled workers and designers.”

The Israelites were building the tabernacle and the furnishings as they were on their desert journey to Canaan. In this and the following chapter, the phrase “skill” is often repeated. With two million travelers there was an abundant source of skilled workers.

Principle: Look for employees with God-given skills and empower them.

In companies of all size, there are undiscovered skills that need to be developed and employees who need to be motivated, trained and unleashed for company success. Set up a search program, accept and reward creative business efforts, and give praise and public recognition to individuals who succeed.

The President and CEO of ACX Technologies is a strong Christian and Bible reader and very open about his faith with fellow employees. One of the things that he talks about with his employees and team is the fact that a creative God created them in God’s image and therefore they should be as creative as possible in their work. With that encouragement, many leaders have surfaced from every department.

To grow, you must find the right people and let go! A business owner should empower and nurture talented people. Empowering builds their confidence. It makes them feel they can make a difference in how the company succeeds. It creates a team spirit where no one wants to let the team down. It drives everyone to do his or her best work. Together, the company succeeds.

The heart of this to trust people and give them full support. Look at Jesus and the twelve. He hand-picked each with special skills, trained them for three years and then unleashed them. Look at the results!


1. Describe a situation where previously unknown skills showed up in somebody you worked with.

2. What is required to uncover what special skills employees have – in addition to what they are already doing?

3. If empowering someone who works for you is a goal, what are some steps you will take?

Are there any spiritual benefits to this process?

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