Encouragement, Inc.

Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Principle: To encourage one another is important. If somebody has encouraged you, pass it on with a word of thanks.

The other day a friend of mine forwarded an e-mail devotional to me from Chuck Swindoll about encouragement. Chuck was a stutterer in high school with all the low self-esteem that goes with that. A teacher encouraged him to join the debate team and then coached him every morning for a half hour to overcome his speech affliction. Chuck said, “Today, over fifty-five years later, I look back and realize how much I owe that man. He believed in me. He respected me. He started me down the path to becoming the man – the preacher – that God intended. I’m glad I was able to express my deep gratitude to him before he died. I’m glad he knew the impact he had on at least one life.”

My friend thanked me because fifty years ago I encouraged him to take a step in his Christian walk that was a stretch for him at that time. He was a young Christian and self-conscious about his appearance, but the pastor of the church and I pressed him to become a Sunday School teacher and then encouraged him after he said yes. It made a big difference in his life.

His “thank you” made a difference in my day – especially as I see “the day” approaching.


1. Think of a younger Christian you know with an obvious barrier working in his life and deliberately plan a way to encourage him to move ahead.

2. Who encouraged you to take a step forward in your walk and made an investment in you?

3. Call, write, e-mail that person and express your appreciation.

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