Fear Not

1 Chronicles 28:20 “David also said to Solomon his son, ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you …’”

David, a fearless leader, encouraged Solomon to proceed in an area where he had no prior experience. It was a big project and a big challenge. Faith and courage were needed.

Principle: Leadership calls for faith and forward motion in big projects and in changing times.

Richard DeVos, co-founder of Amway, said the fear of failure and rejection is a daily battle for most men. This is true in uncertain financial climates with failing financial institutions, a shaky economy and declining personal reserves. If you are dealing with economic stress or the uncertainty of changing the direction of your business, remember David’s words to Solomon and to you. God is with you. Do the work. He will not fail you. Fear not.

When I was fearful about finances, I typed out all the “fear not” and “don’t be afraid” references in the Bible. I found seventy of them. Every circumstance I could think of, including finances, was covered. I review that list whenever I am afraid. Turn to the back of your Bible and look up a few verses. It is a faith-building exercise.

There are other things we might worry about. Sometimes personal fears can stop us cold. Relationships, health issues or fear of death can dominate our thoughts.

At age 74, businessman DeVos had a life-threatening heart problem. He was rejected by every heart transplant program in the U.S. because he was too old. It was a fearful situation, but he located a doctor in Great Britain who was willing to do the surgery even though he was the last guy on every transplant list because of his rare blood type. As a believer in Christ, DeVos trusted the Lord for a miracle. He got his miracle when an automobile accident provided a donor with his blood type. Ten years later he was active in his sports franchise business and enjoying his Kingdom work as a Godly businessman.


1. Considering Solomon’s resources, wisdom, and power, what was Solomon afraid of and why was he discouraged?

2. Why are you fearful? Why are you discouraged?

3. What step will you take in faith today?

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