Find & Foster Loyalty

2 Samuel 15:21 “But Ittai replied to the king, ‘As surely as the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be.’”

David was fleeing because of the rebellion of his son, Absalom. Ittai, a Gittite, had arrived in Jerusalem the previous day. David urged Ittai to stay safely in Jerusalem rather than accompany him into the danger of joining the exile group. The people of Israel were following the rebels. David’s leaders had turned against him. David’s power, position and wealth disappeared in one day.

Principle: Troubled times will reveal loyalty or lack of it, so cultivate loyalty in good times.

When times are good and success is flowing, it is hard to measure the depth of loyalty of those around us. This is especially difficult for a person with position, power and wealth.

These days, loyalty is a vanishing virtue everywhere – in companies, friendships, family relationships and government. I have met employees who speak sincerely about their loyalty to a company and are willing to defend it against rumors or slander, but that is rare.

Loyalty is contagious. If you demonstrate loyalty and talk about it, loyalty will spread. If the corporate culture includes honesty, forthrightness, and integrity it will nourish loyalty.

Loyalty may show up in unexpected places, especially in tough times. Ittai was from a neighboring kingdom but apparently had been treated by David with fairness and justice. David was a man who was loyal to his leadership and to God’s principles. When David was in flight earlier in life, he had the opportunity to murder his pursuer, Saul, but did not do so based on loyalty to God’s Word and loyalty to the anointed position of king.

By the way, David’s kingdom was restored. When it came, he appointed Ittai as commander over a third of his army. That is where loyalty begins, by being loyal.

Loyalty to the Savior is a natural response for us remembering that King Jesus was loyal to each of us in death. The fact that Jesus is somehow honored by our return of loyalty to Him is astonishing, but true.


1. What issues stand in the way of company loyalty today?

2. What can you do to foster a corporate culture of loyalty?

3. If your company is lacking in this area, take a step in the direction of loyalty today and see how the Lord honors that in the days and weeks to come.

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