
John 21:15 “When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’”

Jesus’ use of Peter’s old name was intentional. Jesus’ choice of the word love, agape, was intentional. Jesus’ reference to “these” was intentional. He was pointing to the fish when He asked the question.

Principle: When the choice narrows to Jesus versus job security, take Jesus.

The fish represented Simon’s choice. The fishing career represented safety, dependability and comfortability. A few days before, Simon had made an interesting self-discovery. Up until that point he was certain he would never desert a friend. He had been wrong. So he was going back to fishing, to recover self-worth doing something he was good at. Fishing.

Jesus was helping Peter understand that he could never return to his old life. Peter remembered how Jesus had rewarded him with a huge catch of fish in the early days. Jesus had fed 15,000 people with a few fish and plenty of leftovers. Just a few hours before Jesus had directed fish into their net, He had lovingly prepared them a fish and bread breakfast.

Christ invites men to live lives with abandon and trust, but it is typical to hold back and hang on to the old, the dependable. You cannot have it both ways. Remaining neutral with Christ and the world is not a good option. It will tear you apart if you try to do both.

Jesus wants you to let go of the world and take hold of His hand to take all He has to offer you. He wants to make you into a new person who can do amazing things with Him. You will never be that person if you are hung up in transition. He is asking today, “do you love me more than these?”

Answer the question with abandon and trust. Then go fishing for men and feed them God’s Word.


1. What would it mean for you to “go all the way” with Jesus?

2. If God calls you to continue your career but do it His way, how might that look?

3. Should every follower of Jesus Christ consider vocational Christian ministry as the first priority of life?

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