Goal Setting

Philippians 3:13-14 “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

This letter is the last of the prison epistles. It was written near the end of Paul’s life. He was headed for the finish line in his spiritual marathon. He could look back on enormous accomplishments; huge progress in the church at Philippi, hundreds of miracles, people across the Roman Empire evangelized, empowered and encouraged. He could also look back with guilt on his persecution of the church. But in Paul’s mind the “more to come” was the important focus.

Principle:  Goal setting and focusing should be hallmarks of a Christian’s business.

Forgetting is important. Learn from the mistakes of the past but do not dwell on failures. Doing so does not pay for our mistakes. Likewise do not glorify past success and rest on those laurels. The best is yet to come, so do not keep looking back. It makes forward progress difficult. Don’t spend too much time looking in the rear-view mirror.

Pressing on is important. Henrietta Mears lived with goals in mind, spiritual goals. She kept pressing on through the end her life. She was relentless. She established a great publishing house, built a powerful Christian Education department at Hollywood Presbyterian Church, and influenced leaders like Bill and Vonnete Bright of Campus Crusade, Richard Halverson, Chaplain of the Senate, Billy Graham and others.

Past accomplishments aside, Ms. Mears wrote a personal ten commandments list of things she ought to do in the last years of her life. Her commandments ended with these three: 8. I will keep the cross of Christ central in my life. 9. I will pray as I never prayed before for wisdom and power. 10. I will spend and be spent in this battle. These are goals worth adopting.


1. Read Philippians 3: 7-11. What was the spiritual goal in Paul’s life?

2. What are some past accomplishments that you feel good about?

3. What is one goal you have in mind for your future?

4. How will achieving that goal help you accomplish a higher spiritual goal?

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