God as Judge and Jury

Isaiah 22:15-19 “This is what the LORD, the LORD Almighty says: ‘Go, say to this steward, to Shebna the palace administrator: What are you doing here and who gave you permission to cut out a grave for yourself here, hewing your grave on the height and chiseling your resting place in the rock? Beware, the Lord is about to take firm hold of you and hurl you away, you mighty man. He will roll you up tightly like a ball and throw you into a large country. There you will die… you will be ousted from your position.”

Shebna had a high position in Hezekiah’s court. He oversaw the royal household and was the superintendent of domestic affairs for King Hezekiah.

Principle: The ethical, righteous behavior of Christian business leaders is influenced by the fact that God, the judge, knows all.

Under our judicial system we have offenders, accusers, law enforcers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, a judge, jury, and executioner.

In 2004, Richard Scrushy, CEO of HealthSouth Corporation, was indicted on charges of financial fraud. During the jury trial, CFOs of HealthSouth admitted “cooking their books” for personal enrichment. They all fingered Scrushy.

The press accused Scrushy of attempting to indirectly influence the jury with his guest preaching at churches in the community. The prosecutors mocked his sincerity serving as pastor and co-pastor of two churches in the area and made accusations about the religious television show he and his wife appeared on for more than a year before the trial.

Scrushy had a public testimony about his faith in God which was well known years before his legal problems. He and his wife had formed a ministry, which focused on missions, evangelism and education.

The jury acquitted Scrushy on all counts. People who prayed for him believed in his innocence and were satisfied. Under our judicial system, the decision was final.

God’s judicial system is unique. He is the accuser, prosecutor, expert witness, judge, jury and executioner. The all-knowing God knows the motivation and every detail of our actions. Nothing escapes His attention. This should drive us to righteous living and when we fail, drive us to our knees in confession, asking for forgiveness, grace and mercy.

In the conduct of business, the fact that an all-knowing God is with us 24/7 should have a powerful influence on everything we do, say and think. No lies, deception, white lies, or half-truths escape His notice. Looking back on the past week causes me to plead – God have mercy!


1. What is the wording of the swearing in system in a court proceeding?

2. Is the Holy Spirit bringing you conviction of sin that needs to be confessed?

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