Going, Not Knowing

Genesis 12:1 “The LORD had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.’”

Abram was a Godly man who knew the power, the character and history of Jehovah. God was asking Abram to leave the familiar, comfortable, and secure for the unknown. This was a big step!

Principle: God’s clear command calls for unquestioned obedience.

Contrast and compare what we have today with what Abram and his family had for Godly guidance. We have the completed written Word of God filled with history, true principles, commands, and revelation of God. He had 2,000 years of oral information about God, and some writing that would become the first few chapters in the book of Genesis. We have 6,000 years of time and Genesis to Revelation. Our written revelation includes sixty-six books, the vivid picture of Jesus, the Son of God, His birth, life, teaching, and a record of His death, resurrection, and ascension. We have the teaching of the epistles. Abram did not have those advantages. We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which Abram did not have.

What we all have in common is a comfort level which tends to keep us staying where we are. We resist change, have some fear of the unknown, and often feel uneasy about big challenging moves. Most of us would have stayed in Ur.

God spoke. He had a conversation with Abram. Would you know the sound of His voice? Has He spoken to you about His geographical or vocational will? A move is a step of faith. Are you ready to step out?


1. What is the hardest move you’ve ever had to make?

2. Why do you think God chose Abram to be the father and founder of the special people?

3. Have you ever had an experience when you felt that God was calling you to do something significant for Him? How did you feel? Did you obey?

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