High Anxiety

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippi was a beautiful, prosperous, important city located on a major Roman highway; five lands inland from the ocean. It was a fertile area, with rolling hills and plenty of water. Paul was imprisoned there. There was a robust church in Philippi that Paul loved. Philippian Christians were more prosperous than persecuted. Life was highly normal, like it is in the U.S.

Principle: Don’t be anxious about the business, talk to God instead.

Anxiety seems to be a stopping off place in between fear and worry. All three have no place in the Christian life but nevertheless characterize many Christian businesspeople.

Search the Scriptures for the word anxiety. The Psalmist says God consoles us, and that anxiety is an offense to Him. Solomon reminds us that anxiety naturally comes with striving and labor, that it weighs a man down and that it affects the body. Ezekiel says anxiety is especially heavy when circumstances are desperate.

Paul tells us to transfer anxiety over to God and gives us the method to do so. Peter reminds us that anxiety is a strategy of Satan and to resist it.

Think about the four Ps of this verse: prayer, petition, present and peace. Elaborate on these four words and consider putting them into practice.


1. What are some natural techniques you use to relieve anxiety?

2. How long-lasting is the relief and what do you do next?

3. Give an example of the peace that comes when you handle anxiety God’s way.

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