
Proverbs 12:9 “Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food.”

Solomon says, do not be a hypocrite. It is better to accept the truth that you are unimportant and have enough to live on, than to have nothing and pretend you are important.

Principle: If you’ve got it, don’t flaunt it. If you don’t have it, don’t fake it.

If you have a good business or a good income, settle for that. You would not want people to like you for your money or think that you are significant because you are rich. It isn’t yours anyway and it may be temporary. If you do not have funds or admirers do not pretend that you do. Pretending will make you miserable.

Phillip Potter of Morgan Stanley (Brokerage) was featured in an article as one of the “Wall Street Wizards.” He bragged to the reporter about his income bracket, his stock trading ability, and his extravagant lifestyle. The morning after the article appeared, his employer accepted his resignation. The Code of Conduct for all employees of Morgan Stanley stated in part, “Morgan Stanley discourages its employees from participating in personal profiles or stories which focus in any way on ‘lifestyle.’ These stories could be perceived as self-aggrandizing and unprofessional, particularly by clients and others outside the firm.” Potter had a good reason to not flaunting his riches.

God’s reasons are different. Extra money does not make you significant. Lack of money does not make you insignificant. God has a standard of acceptance, which is not based on performance. Rich or poor matters nothing to Him. What matters to God is the filling of the Spirit, His control of one’s life, obedience and truth telling.

God gives a passing or failing grade based on Christ in us, not what we have accomplished on our own. It has nothing to do with money or so-called success. It has everything to do with who we are in Christ.


1. What accomplishments are you tempted to brag about?

2. Have you ever bragged about an accomplishment that was then taken away?

3. It’s a beautiful fact that rich or poor matters nothing to God. Focus on what does matter, seeking to live a life that honors God.

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