Jesus as Consultant

John 21:5-6 “He (Jesus) called out to them, ‘Friends, haven’t you any fish?’ ‘No,’ they answered. He said, ‘Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’”

The Master of the Sea who can herd fish and tell them to go to a certain spot was about to teach His disciples a valuable lesson.

Principle: Listen to Jesus and do what He says because success may be right around the corner.

Business success may be only inches, minutes or a phone call away. Listen for the voice of the Master and obey. It may mean change. It may require blind faith. The success may not last a lifetime or even a month, so keep on seeking His directions. It may be a day at a time. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

I am sure those experienced fishermen in the group had a moment of ‘you want me to do what!?’ Sometimes God may call us to do something in our own profession, which is different from the norm. “Just Do It” as the commercial says. It will build your faith and make it clear to everyone around that it was Jesus’ leading.

Sometimes we need to make a change and the urging to do so may come from Jesus through others. It might mean following the advice of another person such as an associate, an employee, a consultant, a spouse or the still, small voice within.

Don’t get weird on this idea. If you hear a deep voice speaking in English with a Jewish accent, it is probably your imagination. So, be careful, but be a good listener. Read the Bible. The advantage of making simple changes for the better may be just what you need to conform to God’s plan for your work and success.


1. What change is God telling you to make in your life or business today?

2. Share that change with someone you trust, and have them pray with you as you step out in faith.

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