Love of Money

Hebrews 13:5-6 “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’”    

Principle: Money and possessions are unfaithful lovers.

The loss of money or possessions is fearful to people. Creditors, note holders, and bill collectors can be frightening.

Fear, fading faith and loss of contentment are common when people are financially troubled.

The love of money and possessions, like most love affairs, comes gradually. There is no contentment when you want what other people have. God calls it covetousness.

Do not develop a love affair with money. It will always be dissatisfying. If you lose money, trust God to help you. He will.

Somebody said money has never made anyone rich. God reminds us that the love of money separates us from Him. Learn to live with it but don’t love it.

John Wesley had three guidelines on handling money:

1. Gain all you can but not at the expense of life, health or hurting your mind.

2. Save all you can and be content with what common sense requires.

3. Give all you can. After the minimum of a tithe to God, provide needful things for yourself, your household, and your business. Give the surplus to God’s work and God’s people.

I have Christian friends who want more, much more.  I have friends who are followers of Jesus who had a lot, lost a lot and are fearless and full of faith. I have believing friends who don’t have much and are content.


1. Describe someone you know who is in love with money and possessions.

2. Describe someone you know who is comparatively poor but totally content.

3. Which are you?

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