No Best-Kept-Success Secret

Genesis 24:35 “The Lord has blessed my master abundantly, and he has become wealthy. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, man and female servants, and camels and donkeys.”

No doubt about it. Abraham’s success could rightfully be labeled a “blessing.” The source of it all was the Lord.

Principle: Everyone needs to know the source of your success.

Employees, friends, associates, competitors, trade, family all need to know why you are successful. God.

Make it clear.

Point to Him.

Do not take credit for it.


1. Think of a success moment in your business life where it was clearly God at work.

2. Give an “elevated’ statement of what God did.

3. Give an expanded version of how God provided. Be clear on the details as you elaborate as Eliezer did in this instance.

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