Payoff Prevention

Isaiah 33:15-16 “Those who walk righteously and speak what is right, who reject gain from extortion and keep their hands from accepting bribes, who stop their ears against plots of murder and shut their eyes against contemplating evil – they are the ones who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. Their bread will be supplied, and water will not fail them.”

This was addressed to people who would live in a time when corruption would be in full swing. The complete system of government and business would be in an ethical crisis, with honest leaders being the exception rather than the rule.

Principle: Abuse of power and receiving money under the table is wrong, unnecessary, and dangerous to the soul and spirit of a man.

Extortion and bribery seem to be more of a problem in governmental circles than in business. However, they infect business relationships also. They are so destructive that laws are written against them. Some companies have written policies against actions that lead to bribery.

One time I gave a Christmas present that exceeded the company policy of my client. Since he was a wood-working hobbyist, I sent a gift card for the purchase of a table saw. I got a thank-you note, the gift card along with a declining letter and a copy of the company gift-acceptance policy. It was awkward and it did more harm than good in our on-going business relationship. Lesson learned.

Recently in a news clip, I noticed that the country of China had an extreme way of dealing with bribery. The head of their Food and Drug Agency, Zheng Xiaoyu had exchanged cash from drug-makers for approving medications that had not been formally approved. They executed him. That is deterrent!

On the plus side, God offers to those who walk righteously – honor and satisfaction. That is motivation!


1. Extortion is a big word, but it can be practiced in subtle ways. Since you probably haven’t participated in extortion in a “big” way, where have you maybe been guilty in a “small” way?

2. Who are you accountable to for your business practices? Integrity will be easier to maintain if you aren’t trying to go it alone.

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