
1 Kings 4:27-28 “The district governors, each in his month, supplied provisions for King Solomon and all who came to the king’s table. They saw to it that nothing was lacking. They also brought to the proper place their quotas of barley and straw for the chariot horses and the other horses.”

Principle: When the company is doing well, the perks flow to the top man with no complaints from associates, staff, and shareholders. Enjoy!

When things are going well, huge CEO compensation does not draw criticism, even when the perks and bonuses more than double the salary. In public companies, CEO salaries and bonuses are published but it is difficult to track down the value of perks. I noticed that Honeywell’s CEO got a salary of $3.9 million. His perks included long-term incentives, personal use of company aircraft, car, security, matching contributions, and stock options amounting to $15.4 million a year. That’s peanuts compared to what financial institution CEOs got in recent years.

Compensation and perks of a private company led by a Christian CEOs are a matter of privacy, but God knows. It all belongs to Him. It might be embarrassing someday if He asks, “What did you do with My resources?”

Of course, it is all proportional. Most of us would be embarrassed to answer that same question when applied to our own checkbook or P&L statement. Solomon invested in the kingdom and Israel was an influence for good. Kingdom investment is still good today.


1. Was it easier to give proportionately to God’s work when you made less?

2. What are some typical perks in your industry?

3. How do you use a portion of those perks to further Kingdom work?

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