Preparation and Prayer

Nehemiah 6:1-13 “When word came to Sanballat… the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in it… Sanballat sent me this message; ‘Come, let us meet together in one of the villages…’ But they were scheming to harm me; so I sent messengers to them with this reply; ‘I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down…’… Sanballat sent his aide to me with the same message… let us confer together… I sent him this reply… ‘You are just making it up out of your head.’ They were all trying to frighten us… but I prayed, ‘now strengthen my hands’ … I said, ‘should a man like me run away … I will not go … they would give me a bad name to discredit me.’”

Nehemiah had his intelligence sources, but most of all, he had a clear call from God to do what he was doing. As the human leader with vulnerability, he prepared for the worst but then he prayed to the Lord of hosts. Hosts are the powerful armies of angels.

Principle: Use these methods to combat any threat posed by spiritual and/or human enemies.

When doing business God’s way, Satan uses mind games to defeat you. Nehemiah demonstrated some very strong defenses, which are useful in today’s situations.

The enemy’s approach might include:

1. Weakness, vulnerability and private, personal taunting will raise self-doubts. Your defense is that God called you to this task so it will succeed.

2. Let’s negotiate a compromise; come over to my place to discuss it. Your defense is in your attitude. Do not waste time negotiating; instead focus on finishing His plan.

3. Repeated, persistent attempts to negotiate and compromise. Your defense is to refuse to get off track.

4. False accusations with distortions and slanderous public criticism leveled against you. Your defense is to make your denial brief and public. Analyze the attack realizing that it is based on lies. Pray, asking God for specific solutions.

5. Dirty tricks, entrapment and personal threats. The suggestion to Nehemiah was to go against God’s call in the name of self-preservation. Your defense is to be sensible. See this lie for what it is and press on.

Spiritual attacks are dangerous because of the self-preservation aspect. Considering the strength and “logic” of the opposition, it would be easy to buckle or compromise. If God calls you to do something, be brave and strong. Pray!


1. Often spiritual attacks come in familiar forms. Which of the 5 approaches listed above (or a different one) does the enemy often use against you?

2. Have you seen spiritual attacks in your business? What steps can be taking to stand firm?

3. Remember always, the Lord of hosts is FOR you. The enemy will always be against you.

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