Random Act of Kindness

Luke 10:30-35 “… ‘A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead … a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him … bandaged his wounds … put the man on his own donkey … brought him to an inn and took care of him … gave two denarii to the innkeeper … when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expenses you may have …”

The decision of this man, who was from a despised background, gave a good name to “Samaritans” for all time. The trip from Jerusalem to Jericho, less than 20 miles, includes a winding road and an altitude drop of 3,000+ feet. It was a road ripe for ambush.

Principle: Help a needy person anonymously. Jesus will notice.

Social scientists are baffled when a “good Samaritan” helps a stranger and does it anonymously. It makes no sense to the evolutionist when a person does a good deed, especially if it costs time, money, or safety. One of the latest theories from cynical scientists is that people like the Florida hurricane victims who helped their worse-off neighbors did so selfishly, polishing their reputation or collecting IOU’s in case they themselves needed help one day.

One leading behavioral economist admitted, “Human altruism is unique in the animal world. None of our current theories can explain altruism when there is anonymity and therefore no chance of reciprocity or enhancing your reputation.” Apparently, such observers are not aware that it is a normal Christian response to care for others. God has built that into us. The perfect example of God’s ultimate caring for fallen humanity is in the supreme gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

It should come as no surprise that God made man a unique living creature, in His image, with a bent toward human altruism. And He is especially glorified when we express that altruism anonymously.


1. Have you ever been the recipient of an anonymous gift?

2. Have you helped a stranger? What were the results?

3. What heart preparation makes a person a good candidate to help a stranger?

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