Reinvest. Give it Away.

Matthew 19:21-22 “Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.”

The young man was sad. The disciples were surprised. Jesus was matter of fact. He was direct and honest with the young man and used the situation to teach a strong, universal lesson to observers.

Principle: Wealth can be a dangerous obstacle to spirituality.

If Jesus asked anybody on the Forbes Richest Americans List to sell all their possessions and give them away, one wonders how William H. Gates III would respond. He was worth $104 billion at the time of this writing. Warren Edward Buffet was 92 and his worth estimated at $114 billion. Paul Gardner Allen’s net worth at the time of his death (2018) was $20.3 billion. Following Jesus would be a big price for these men to pay.

When this passage is discussed, someone in the group will usually note that Jesus did not tell every rich person He met to give it all up and follow Him. Money was this young man’s god and that is why Jesus made this specific offer.

Yes and no. Yes, Jesus did not ask everyone to do this. It is not a universal command. But riches are a hindrance to following Jesus, although selling all one’s riches is not a condition for salvation.

On the other hand, God is either owner of all or not the owner at all. This includes bank accounts, real estate, businesses, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. We are stewards, not owners. This truth must be remembered.


1. In what ways do good times drive people away from God?

2. How does “God is owner of all” affect how you spend your wealth? Your company’s wealth?

3. What “riches” do you have that God might be asking from you?

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