Respect for Elders

Leviticus 19:32 “’Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.’”

God connects respect for elderly people with reverence for Himself.

Principle: Show proper respect to the elderly.

Godly, elderly people were respected in the Old Testament for their wisdom and spiritual discernment. People, princes, and kings went to the elders for advice. Elders participated in front line activities of life. They led in worship. They were part of decision making. Elders were included in meetings with the leaders, military leaders, judges, and officials.

It is possible for elders to become corrupted by a position of power and give bad advice, as some did during Jesus’ time. They did this to stay in power and enjoy the benefits. When the church was established, God restored the respected role of elders. Their qualifications are listed, and their leadership and advisory roles are restored.

In some churches today, the elderly are being ignored or warehoused away from society. Church elders selected by pastors and people are “youngers” not “elders.” The problem partly lies with elderly elders who are proud in their God-given role. They abuse their position of power to keep things the way they “used to be.” They ignore accountability. Some are joyless and inflexible in un-important things. No wonder they are not asked for advice. Of course, just being old does not qualify a person for wisdom. Godliness is essential.


1. Are you inclined to go to an elderly person for advice and counsel?

2. Do you have an honest, open relationship with an older person in your same line of work? If not, ask the Lord to being you one.

3. Where could you include more wise “elders” in your business?

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