Sales Success

Matthew 13:3-8 “… ‘A farmer went out to sow his seed … some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places… other seed fell among thorns … still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop — a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.’”

Jesus was talking to the large crowd that was following Him. They understood agricultural but did not get the deeper meaning. The interpretation would later be given to the disciples. People will hear the Gospel, but everyone will not be transformed.

Principle: Do not expect 100% success even with the world’s greatest offer.

If you show up and “work the soil” you will succeed. Do not be put off by early failure around the edges. The healthy part will take time and will need to be taken care of.

Keep the pipeline full. Seventy to eighty percent of your sales attempts will require repeated effort. Some will fail. Learn from the failures. Have realistic expectations. One in four prospects will become customers. 20-30% of your prospects will become good customers who will generate most of your business. Concentrate on the good ones. Treat them well.

John McIntosh started a small snack shop in Corona Del Mar and built it into one of the largest restaurant chains in the nation. After moderate success he started a second snack shop on Coast Highway. He built a coffee shop and carefully observed what the customers liked. Then he adjusted to suit their preferences. He eventually built a huge chain that included Coco’s, Reuben’s and many other restaurants. Success was built on seeing what worked and concentrating on those items. It was also built on observing failures and making timely adjustments without letting failures dominate his attitude.

Sales success includes customer service and building a good reputation, but it is a numbers game. Do not be discouraged by marginal failures. Discouragement tends to prevail. Diligence, persistence, perseverance, and a realistic, positive mental attitude are keys to sales success.

“A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.” Proverbs 13:4


1. Has sales failure ever stopped you in your tracks? How long did it last? What got you back on track?

2. In proclaiming Christ, how long should you go on after being turned down?

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