What Do You Do?

Genesis 4:20-22 “Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock. His brother’s name was Jabal; he was the father of all who stringed instruments and pipes. Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron.”

Jabal was the father of the nomadic lifestyle. His brother Jubal was a musician and inventor of the harp and flute.  Zillah was the mother of Tubal the iron worker. It is an interesting combination of vocations. The technical advances were quite amazing considering this early time. The production of musical instruments and steel working tools were big steps forward from what had started as an agricultural economy.

Principle: Be prepared to answer the question simply and clearly; what do you do for a living?

We are often known by the work we do. People will say, I am a dentist or a schoolteacher, etc. What do you do for a living is a commonly asked question. Be prepared for it. It can be good for getting new prospects. Make your answer brief, understandable, and positive. It helps to mention who your customers are especially if you are in a “networking” group, or in an elevator where time is limited.

Consider how many occupations there are in the world. Have you ever had vocational testing and see how many jobs match your aptitude? Perhaps you’ll find a new career, or a new hobby.

Have you tested your employees in this way? Perhaps doing so will help them understand themselves and find work that truly satisfies.

Have you had your children tested for their career strengths? It is a good start for job satisfaction. It helps people get going in the right direction. I guess in the scheme of things there are only so many dentists, metalworkers, contractors, and accountants needed in this world and it would be better if they were content to be there.


1. Do you love the work you do? Do you feel uniquely qualified for your daily tasks?

2. Have you ever taken an aptitude test, or administered one to your employees? What was the outcome?

3. Remember … God can and will use you wherever He has you. And honor Him in your work.

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