Winning Team

John 15:14-15 “’You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made know to you.’”

This time in Jesus’ ministry was a turning point for the disciples, as they moved from servants to friends. They had been hanging out with Jesus for three years and now He was turning the ministry over to them, even though they were not completely ready. The communication style in this so-called “upper room discourse” was clear and concise.

Principle: Team building includes preparation, evaluation, relationship, clear communication and granting of authority.

Whether you are delegating to a management team, key employees, or all employees, take some lessons from Jesus on communication.

It is smart to have people in your company know everything you know.  If you cannot trust them, what are they doing there? Do not limit your company’s growth or effectiveness by keeping secrets instead of disclosing.

Enlightened employers should aim for full disclosure in communication and mentoring. The results will be a mission accomplished and a satisfying, joyful relationship between employee and employer.

Keep your language clear and simple. Say “we” and “our,” stressing common themes like responsibility, quality, fairness, and dignity. When Jesus spoke of the friendship relationship rather than the servant relationship, his disciples understood the difference.

Encourage everyone to ask questions, and do not show irritation in “dumb” questions. In John chapters 13-17 the disciples often asked questions and Jesus answered patiently, directly, and clearly.

Take time to explain things fully – the purpose, the problems, the solutions, and the benefits. Read chapters 13-17 and you will see how He did this.

Do not over-explain things. Once your employees have read back or said back your instructions and you are sure they understand, let it go. Jesus communicated a lot of information here, but He was direct.

Look what happened. These disciples reached the whole world in their lifetime. Billions have been impacted by the message and the 2,000 old organization is still robust. By the way, you are a part of that organization, the message is the same, and you are His friend also.


1. Was your management team fully prepared when they came aboard?

2. How much of your time did it take to get everybody up to speed?

3. What things did you do outside of work to galvanize the team?

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