You’re Fired!

Proverbs 10:26 “As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so are sluggards to those who send him.”

Principle: A lazy employee is trouble, and the solution is prompt termination or corrective action.

When chronic laziness is apparent, deal with it. Seek possible solutions such as training and reassignment. Investigate; listen for an underlying cause that can be adjusted. If it is a serious character flaw, dismiss the employee. Do it promptly and properly.

Here are some questions in dealing with a failing employee prior to termination:

1. Does the employee know what is expected of him and what the consequences are for failing to do what is expected? Clarify.

2. Does the employee have the skills necessary to do what is expected? Train.

3. Has the employee encountered outside forces that are affecting his ability to meet the expectations? Give assistance.

4. Is there sufficient motivation to behave in the expected manner? Encourage.

5. Is the employee incapable of performing? Reassign.

If none of the above, liberate the employee so they can get on with their lives in a more productive manner. There is a place for everyone and it may not be at your place. Do it in love.

Nowadays you face the possibility of a wrongful termination lawsuit with many misstep possibilities. To delay the decision complicates the situation and the problem causes morale to plummet with other employees. Handle it quickly and correctly. Get clear advice from HR people. Clear away the smog and get rid of the bitterness in your company’s mouth.


1. How has delayed action in terminating an employee affected others at your work?

2. Describe the relief that came when the termination was done

3. Why are you reluctant to proceed with corrective action?

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